Amazing Features

Inventory Management

If any information (photo, name, price) of the products is missing, Dropy Online will scan it and remove this product from your store. Thus, false or incomplete information will not be presented. Major violations of Amazon Policies such as "Anti-Counterfeit", "Category, product, and listing restrictions" and "Product safety and compliance" will be blocked.

Feedback Request

Dropy Online ensures that the message you specify reaches the recipient for your delivered orders. It increases the reliability of your store. You will be able to see the messages from your customers and reply to them through Dropy Online. Thus, customer dissatisfaction will be minimized, and A-Z Claims or Negative Feedback will be prevented.

Product Research and Installation

Dropy Online prepares the products you find with Amazon Services and Cloud Technology to be uploaded to your store in minutes.

Price Management

Dropy Online will control the pricing of the products and any pricing errors will be corrected. This will prevent the Amazon Fair Price Policy violation.


We are always with you. Contact us at any time for all your questions.


Get ahead of your competitors thanks to the improved repricing algorithm.

Best Sellers

Dropy Online shows you the best-selling products in your seller store country.

Order Tracking

Dropy Online follows your order from start to finish. It notifies you by mail and free SMS.

Automated Ordering

Enjoy the experience of sending your order with the click of a button.

Duplicate List Protection

Dropy Online prevents you from re-listing the same product with different SKUs and different prices.


Report the cost, status and earnings of your orders on the reports page whenever you want.

Price and Stock Update

Dropy Online automatically updates the products in your inventory with the rules you specify.

Products Not Shipped to Buyer’s Country

We provide shipping to the destination country with alternative shipping options. Deliver your orders to your customers in the fastest way possible with our intermediate warehouse service.

Trademark Control

Dropy Online checks the patent status of your products among more than 20 million brands and prevents patented products from being loaded into your store. Dropy Online prevent you from listing the brands that Amazon has banned by comparing the brands of all products in your with this trademarked brands. Thus, Dropy Online will minimize the Intellectual Property Complaints violation, which is one of Amazon's policies.